Assisted living for elders in care

Assisted Living

Everything you need, nothing you don't

What is Assisted Living?


Assisted living provides residents with the attentive care of a nursing home but with the privacy of seniors housing. What makes Assisted Living at Brookdale House different is that this care occurs in a homey environment. Residents at Brookdale House get their own private, locked rooms and share the common spaces including two living rooms, a large country-style kitchen, dining room, and a large backyard. Our intimate, six-bedroom house fosters community and friendship while offering the safety of knowing your needs will always be met.


Why Choose Assisted Living?


We understand how important it is for you to choose the best living option to suit your needs and preferences.

Here are some reasons why you may want to consider Brookdale House:


Levels of Care

At Brookdale House, we tailor the type, level and extent of care for each resident. Our customized care is determined individually for each resident. We make sure to give everyone the help they need, while still allowing for and encouraging independence.


We are just minutes away from medical offices, parks, places of worship, shopping facilities, and local bus stops. We are also located just off of Exit 83 on the freeway, making it easy for friends and family to visit, and for those who want to plan trips outside of Abbotsford.


Being an intimate, six-person house, our residents form friendships and a sense of community. Family and friends are invited over for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, and encouraged to make themselves at home. Often, our residents leave feeling like they have become a family.


We foster autonomy by respecting resident’s own wishes and interests and their need for privacy and independence. Residents are free to take part in or plan any activities they wish, and are encouraged to explore the local community inside and outside the house. 

Rose's daughter Betty is here with her friend, Sue. They talk about the care that Rose received in our assisted living home and their experience in working with Brookdale House. Brookdale House is a community oriented, all inclusive, small scale assisted living home located in Abbotsford, BC.

Brookdale House has been a life-saver, for sure.
— Betty, Daughter of Resident


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